Member organisations represent the medical and health services, professional bodies, consumer groups and voluntary organisations. Our members also include many individual experts in cardiovascular research.
Age Concern England
A voluntary organisation which focuses on national ageing issues and ways to improve later life.
Aims to alert the public to the dangers of smoking, to prevent the death, disease and disability it causes and to make non-smoking the norm in society.
British Association for Nursing in Cardiac Care (BANCC)
Provides a forum for communication, professional development, national and international representation for nurses in Britain involved in the care of cardiac patients.
c/o British Cardiac Society, 9 Fitzroy Square, London W1T 5HW
Tel 020 7692 5413 / 020 7383 3887
Fax 020 7383 5961
British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES)
A professional body for all those with an interest in science, sport and exercise, aiming to develop and spread knowledge about the application of science to sport and exercise.
Chelsea Close, off Amberley Road, Arnley, Leeds LS12 4HW
British Diabetic Association (BDA) see Diabetes UK
British Dietetic Association
Aims to support state registered dietitians by encouraging professional development, representing them to outside bodies and protecting them by providing professional indemnity.
5th Floor, Charles House, 148/9 Great Charles Street, Birmingham B3 3HT
Funds research into the causes and prevention of cardiovascular disease, as well as the improved diagnosis and treatment of heart and circulatory conditions.
Community Practitioners and Health Visitors Association
Represents community practitioners, health visitors and other community health care nurses and school nurses with an interest in health promotion and prevention of ill health.
CORDA (The Coronary Artery Disease Research Association)
Supports clinical research into the prevention and early diagnosis of cardiovascular disease through the development and application of safe and painless non-invasive methods.
The only recognised professional association for design and technology education. DATA incorporates the former National Association of Teachers of Home Economics and Technology.
The leading charity working for people with diabetes, funding research, campaigning and helping people live with the condition. Formerly the British Diabetic Association.
Good food should be tasty, nutritious and safe to eat - so why is our food a major cause of preventable diseases such as obesity, cancer and strokes? The Food Commission is an independent, not-for-profit organisation which investigates these issues and campaigns for safer, healthier food in the UK.
Aims to improve the health of people in England, in particular to reduce inequalities in health between those who are well off and those on low incomes or reliant on state benefits.
Provides policy advice, coordinates coronary heart disease prevention, provides resources, undertakes research and evaluation, and offers professional development and training in health promotion.
Works to promote the health and health care of Londoners by stimulating ideas, innovation and informed debate among policy makers and with the wider public.
Works towards reforms in the democratic administration of education in maintained and other schools, and to improve standards within the education service.
Suite 1, 4th Floor, Western House, Smallbrook, Queensway, Birmingham B5 4HQ
Research into heart disease and prevention and cures of such complaints with dissemination of results. Provision of help and rehabilitation for those with heart disease.
The only membership body for all NHS organisations. Members include over 95% of NHS trusts and health authorities in England and Wales; health boards and trusts in Scotland; health and social services trusts and boards in Northern Ireland, and the new primary care trusts in England.
Aims to prevent cardiovascular disease (CVD) and improve care of CVD patients by promoting research, education, and scientific exchange in community-based medicine.
The representative body for nurses in the UK. It organises conferences, meetings, training courses, research projects, study visits, surveys and the collection of statistics and provides a library and information service.
Aims to advance the understanding, treatment and prevention of disease in childhood, to further the study of child health and to promote excellence in paediatric practice.
Aims to advance chemistry and pharmacy through research and education, and to maintain compliance with pharmaceutical legislation, and ethical standards of conduct.
SHARP (Scottish Heart and Arterial disease Risk Prevention)
Aims to reduce the incidence of coronary heart disease in Scotland, mainly through education. Focuses on clinical and scientific meetings and many small local meetings at venues around Scotland.