The NHF has a long and distinguished track record in evidence-based and consensual policy development and advocacy. Combining in-house expertise with the specialist perspectives of its members, the NHF is uniquely placed to contribute to the public health policy agenda, nationally and globally.
The information services team provides a unique and comprehensive range of services on avoidable chronic diseases via e-news and e-research briefings, and access to resources through the NHF website and eLibrary. We also built and maintain the Obesity Learning Centre, which supports the obesity delivery chain.
The NHF micro-simulation model is used to examine effectiveness of interventions and to model the burden of diseases, such as those caused by tobacco.
We also contribute to wider alliances in Europe and the UK. These include: the European Heart Network, the European Agriculture and Health Consortium and the Cardio & Vascular Coalition - the UK umbrella group for organisations concerned with the prevention and treatment of conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease and stroke.