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National Heart Forum - Championing the prevention agenda
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National Heart Forum

Victoria House, 7th Floor
Southampton Row
London WC1B 4AD

Phone: 020 7831 7420
Fax: 020 3077 5964
Email: [email protected]

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Nutrition image

Poor nutrition is a significant risk factor for all avoidable chronic diseases. Coupled with sedentary behaviour, a shift in recent decades towards more energy-dense foods and drinks and increasing reliance on cheap and convenient ‘fast foods’ underpins the sharp rise in rates of overweight and obesity in all ages. Nearly one in five 10-year-olds in England is now obese. 

Our policy focus is on supporting healthy eating habits from early life. For many years, the NHF has advocated policies in key areas including: free fruit in schools; nutrient-based standards for school food; ‘traffic light’ nutritional labelling on food packaging; review of the Common Agricultural Policy to support public health; controls on food and drink marketing to children, and policies to eliminate artificial trans fats from the food supply.

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