NHF response to the Children and Young People's Consultation The government published the consultation document Building a strategy for children and young people at the end of 2001 to seek views on the strategy and vision for the Children and Young Person's Unit. The NHF responded to this in March 2002, welcoming the strategy and encouraged the development of an over-arching health and well-being component. The CYPU report, a compilation of all the responses and the vision for the way forward, is due to be published in April 2002. The consultation intends to take into account the views of children and young people, and to that end has established workshops around the country and published age-tailored versions of the document including a questionnaire asking for opinions of the UK's children. The NHF response to the consultation takes as its foundation the young@heart policy framework; Towards a generation free from coronary heart disease: policy action for children's and young people's health and well-being. Central to the framework is the recommendation to establish a national plan for children's health and young people's health and well-being, which complements the vision of the children's and young persons unit. A copy of the NHF response to the consultation can be downloaded below. Copies of the young@heart framework may be downloaded from the What's new page. Download a PDF (76K) of the NHF response to the Children's and Young People's Unit consultation. | ||
Childrens Taskforce United Nations Special Session on Children The special session will review goals achieved since the World Summit, in line with the world declaration on the survival, protection and development of children. The vision borne out of the World Summit includes the wish for all children to live a full and healthy life, and for all infants to start life healthy. In the light of the terrorist attacks, the drive of all involved has intensified, and the need to address the agenda is apparent. Included in the Special Session will be the nutrition and health of the worlds children. Global initatives to address nutrition usually conjure up thoughts of hunger and malnutrition in developing countries. The flipside of this problem is now the increasing occurrence of obesity in the developing world. Alongside this, the increasing rates of overweight and obesity in Western societies - now reaching epidemic proportions, in both adults and children - begs a place on the agenda for obesity at the special session for children. For more information and comment see Lancet 357 (2001) p1989, and for information on the programme see the United Nation's Special Session site at www.unicef.org/specialsession Health Inequalities Review consultation The National Heart Forum submitted it's response to the Tackling health inequalities consultation in November 2001. This was a very timely opportunity to put forward new recommendations from the young@heart initiative, which will be published in February. A copy of the response can be downloaded here. The consultation document can be viewed online at www.doh.gov.uk/healthinequalities/tacklinghealthinequalities.htm. | ||