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Smokefree elements of the Health Improvement and Protection Bill

In June 2005, the Department of Health launched a consultation on smokefree legislation. The consultation opens the door to ending smoking in all public places and workplaces.

Download PDF of The Wanless Review: NHF response (152kb)

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Scottish Executive consultation on Smoking in Public Places

In June 2004, the Scottish Executive launched its Smoking in Public Places consultation. The consultation sought the views of the public on smoking in public places and possible approaches that might be taken in order to reduce potential exposure to second-hand smoke. The responses would help to inform the Scottish Executive's future policy on reducing exposure to second-hand smoke.

Download PDF of The Wanless Review: NHF response (152kb)

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Tobacco advertising ban makes it a Valentine's Day to remember says National

Commenting on the tobacco advertising ban due to take effect on Friday 14 February, chairman of the National Heart Forum, Sir Alexander Macara said:

"The ban on tobacco advertising that comes into effect tomorrow is surely the most heart-warming news for Valentine's Day. For years the tobacco companies have had free rein to promote their products with impunity, knowing full well that, if used as intended, they will cause life-threatening diseases to the consumer.

"Removing advertisements from the high street, magazines and newspapers, together with the bold new health warnings on cigarette packets are especially important measures to protect children from the glamorisation of smoking.

"The government should be congratulated on this major step forward for public health and given every encouragement to agree rigorous regulations that will avoid any loopholes in pending legislation to cover point of sale advertising, sports sponsorship and brand sharing (using a tobacco brand to market non-tobacco products such as clothing)."

National Heart Forum submission to Budget 2003: Tobacco tax

February 2003: The National Heart Forum (NHF) has made a submission to the 2003 budget on tobacco tax. It outlines how tobacco tax rates, smuggling, health inequalities and fairness and reporting of market data should be tackled in order to cut the number of avoidable deaths caused by smoking-related diseases. A copy of the submission can be downloaded below.

Download PDF of The Wanless Review: NHF response (152kb)

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RIGHT click, on a Mac, OPTION (alt) click and choose to save to disc.

Department of health: consultation on draft regulations to implement EU Labelling Directive 2001/37/EC on the manufacture, presentation and sale of tobacco products

In July 2002 the department of health published a consultation on the regulatory impact assessment and the implementation of EU Directive 2001/37/EC - the Labelling Directive. The proposals when adopted into UK law, will define the minimum tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide yields of cigarettes, lay down new requirements for the labelling of the contents of cigarettes and increase the size of the health warnings used on packs of cigarettes and other tobacco products. Consultation closes on 23 September. Further details are available from www.doh.gov.uk

A copy of the NHF response will be posted here when available.

Department of health: consultation on tobacco advertising and promotion

In August 2002 the department of health published a consultation on the draft regulations of the tobacco advertising bill which is currently before parliament. Comments are invited on the three sets of draft regulations relating to sponsorship, point of sale advertising and brand sharing. The deadline for responses is 15 November 2002. See www.doh.gov.uk for further information.

An NHF response is being prepared and will be posted here shortly.

Department of health: consultation on the proposed EU Directive on tobacco advertising and sponsorship - inclusion of cigarette papers

In May 2002 the department of health published a consultation on the proposed EU directive on tobacco advertising and sponsorship focusing solely on whether any restrictions should extend to the inclusion of cigarette papers. Consultation closed in August. See www.doh.gov.uk for further information.

Download PDF of The Wanless Review: NHF response (152kb)

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RIGHT click, on a Mac, OPTION (alt) click and choose to save to disc.

Tax increase disappoints health organisations

The Chancellor of the exchequer abandoned his policy of raising tobacco tax to keep the price of cigarettes ahead of inflation in the spring Budget, to the dismay of public health supporters. For the first time since 1994, Gordon Brown opted for an inflationary increase in tobacco duties of just 1.8%, putting six pence on a packet of 20 cigarettes. Commenting in the press, Clive Bates, director of ASH, described the government’s action as "..sacrificing the long-term health policy to short-term electoral calculation. It seems like a giveaway Budget for smokers and the real price will be paid in diseased hearts and lungs."


NRT products more widely available

On No Smoking Day (14 March), the Department of Health agreed a range of plans to make nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) more widely available to support smokers who are trying to quit.

From the end of April, GPs in England may prescribe all NRT products to their NHS patients. In addition more money is being made available for the prescription of antidepressant, buproprion (Zyban). The announcement follows consultation among health authorities, professional bodies, charities and NRT manufacturers. The department of health is also proposing to allow nurses to prescribe NRT.

Under new rules, a range of NRT products previously only available from pharmacies can now be purchased from shops and supermarkets. This follows consultation by the Medicines Control Agency.

Scottish smoking cessation guidelines

Guidelines for Scottish health practitioners adapted from the Thorax Smoking Cessation Guidelines for Health Professionals have been produced and disseminated by ASH Scotland and the Health Education Board for Scotland.

The guidelines are available at www.hebs.scot.nhs.uk/publics/pdf/SmokeGuidelines.pdf

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