In March 2005, the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) launched a public consultation on the operating model for the centre for public health excellence. The consultation document described the aims and functions of the centre and the interim processes it will use for developing guidance in public health. | |||
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In late December 2004, the Health Committee decided to undertake a short inquiry into the Government's Public Health White Paper and invited organisations and individuals to submit evidence before the inquiry, being held on 23 February. The Committee was interested in: | ||||
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In March 2004, the DH launched the Choosing health? consultation. This consultation document sought the views on the role that individuals, the government - both central and local - the NHS, the public sector more broadly, the voluntary sector and industry, the media and others can play in improving people's health. See also | ||
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In winter 2003/4, OfCOM held a consultation on proposals to contract out the regulation of broadcast advertising to an industry co-regulator. In its response, NHF voiced concerns that the proposed mechanisms will weaken rather than strengthen the opportunities to improve current broadcast advertising codes. Consultation closed 29 January. For further details see: | |||
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In April 2003 Derek Wanless was asked by the Government to provide an update of the challenges in implementing the fully engaged scenario, set out in his first review Securing our future health: Taking a long-term view - the Wanless review. The review focused on cross-departmental work on preventative health measures and health inequalities. NHF's response welcomed the Wanless two review and the distinct possibility that it presented the best opportunity to for proper long term planning and a step change in investment in public health action, research and infrastructure. | ||
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In March 2003, the parliamentary health select committee launched an inquiry into obesity. The terms of reference to the inquiry include: the trends in obesity, the health implications, causes of the rise in recent decades, solutions to the problem, institutional structures in place to deliver an improvement, and recommendations for national and local strategies onobesity. Submissions of written evidence were accepted until 30 April, and oral evidence sessions began in May. NHF gave oral evidence to the inquiry in September 2003. The full details of the terms of reference for the inquiry can be viewed via the link below. | ||
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In December 2002, the department for the environment in Northern Ireland released a document on access, movement and parking for consultation. The document set out the department's proposed planning policies for vehicular and pedestrian access, the protection of transport routes, transport assessment and parking across all of Northern Ireland. For further information see: | ||
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In December 2002, the department for health, social services and public safety published a consultation document for the development of a twenty-year strategy for the health and personal social services in Northern Ireland. This strategy will set out a long-term vision for health and social services, establish priorities for future investment and identify the steps that will have to be taken to achieve the vision. Consultation closes on 28 March 2003. For further information see: | ||
In December 2002, the Welsh Assembly Government announced the commitment of £10m over three years to take forward the strategy for older people - the first of its kind in the UK. Key features of the strategy include establishing a new cabinet committee to ensure the wide range of issues impacting on older people are dealt with coherently across the Assembly; and developing an evidenced based action programme of health promotion of older people. For further information see: | |||
In December 2002 the Scottish Executive published a consultation paper on health protection in Scotland. This document focuses on protecting health as an individual and collective responsibility and seeks views on the future direction of health protection. Consultation closes on 31 January 2003. For further information see: | |||
In October 2002, the department of health issued a consultation on the proposed content of: the local authority (overview and scrutiny committees health scrutiny functions) regulations 2003. The consultation covered the functions and responsibilities of local authority overview and scrutiny committees in relation to local NHS bodies, and the duties placed upon NHS bodies, in relation to local authority overview and scrutiny committees. Consultation closed in November 2002. See: | ||
In July 2002 the department for culture, media and sport published a consultation document on the Review of the Lottery Funding nearly eight years after the Lottery started. The document examines the way in which Lottery money is distributed. For further information see | ||
New Labour's National Policy Forum recently published a discussion paper on improving health and social care. The document explores the issues around improving health and social care and the challenges the Labour government will have to tackle. Views are sought on the key issues of: creating a healthy Britain and reducing inequalities; reform of the health services; NHS capacity; and investment and social care. Consultation closes on 3 October 2002. For further information see | ||
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In July 2002 the Commission for Health Improvement, in partnership with the Audit Commission, published a consultation document outlining proposals for a review of the CHD NSF. Consultation is on-going throughout summer. For further information see | ||
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In March 2002 the department of health published a consultation on the diabetes NSF standards, and what its vision of a patient-centred diabetes service should look like. Views were specifically sought on service models, performance indicators and practice-based registers. Further details are available on the NSF for Diabetes website | ||
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In January 2002 the Department of Health issued a consultation document Local Authority Health Overview and Scrutiny. The document set out plans for local authority overview and scrutiny committees to review and scrutinise the totality of local NHS services planned and provided, as part of the local authorities' wider responsibility to seek health improvements and reduce health inequalities for their area and its inhabitants. It will complement the work being done within the NHS to ensure the service is responsive to people's needs, listens to their views and acts on their concerns. A copy of the NHF response to the consultation can be downloaded below. | ||
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In November 2001, the HM Treasury's Health Trends team, led by Derek Wanless, published an interim report on its ongoing review of the future of the national health service: Securing our future health: taking a long-term view. This is the first time that a review of this kind has been undertaken into long-term health provision in the UK. The interim report was a consultation document which sought views on the direction and methodology of the review and on the assumptions that have been made. The closing date for the consultation was 22 January 2002. A final report will be published in March which will inform the 2002 Treasury cross-cutting spending reviews. The National Heart Forum has responded to the consultation and the response can be downloaded in pdf format below. | ||||
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The National Audit Office held a two-day conference (21-22 January 2002) in London entitled Joining forces to tackle obesity. This was a ground-breaking event for the NAO and followed on from their well-received report Tackling obesity in England, produced for the House of Commons Committee of Public Accounts ( The purpose of the conference was to bring together delegates from the public, private and voluntary sectors and from the worlds of health, education, nutrition, physical exercise and transport to discuss the reasons for the current epidemic of obesity and to develop solutions for its prevention and treatment. One afternoon was devoted to workshops focusing on topics such as nutrition in schools, local partnerships in action, engaging the food industry, and tackling inequalities through targeted strategies to address high risk groups. Recommendations for action arising from the meeting, will be displayed on the NAO website in due course. Their intention is to create an interactive consultation point so that visitors can send in their own views, comments and suggestions ( | ||||
The National Heart Forum (NHF) is disappointed that none of the National Lottery money being spent to tackle heart disease is to fund initiatives that will prevent people from developing the disease. The £110 million of new funding announced by the Department of Health on 5 July will be spent on hospital, ambulance and diagnostic equipment and on cardiac rehabilitation services. Commenting on the announcement, Paul Lincoln, chief executive of the NHF said: "It is very disappointing to see nothing allocated to heart disease prevention initiatives in this round of funding. Coronary heart disease is a largely preventable disease. An investment in prevention is not only an investment in future health and well being, but also a saving on health service costs and waiting lists by stopping the flow of patients into the NHS in the first place. "Ministers need to look beyond next year's waiting lists and invest in the health of the next generation if we are going to see a real reduction in the high rates of coronary heart disease in the UK. "I hope that the government will make prevention a priority consideration in planned future awards and support projects which will help tackle the key determinants of poor nutrition, smoking and physical activity, such as the welcome sport in schools funding announced in March." | ||
The NHF gives a very warm welcome to the announcement of the governments UK fuel poverty strategy. The UK has a comparatively mild climate, yet the increase in rates of heart attacks and stroke in the winter months is higher than in many colder countries such as in Scandinavia. A fuel poor household is defined as one that needs to spend in excess of 10% of household income to keep adequately warm. The key factors are therefore the energy efficiency of the home, fuel costs and household income. Development of the strategy was led by an inter-ministerial group under Lord Whitty of the Department for the Environment, Transport and the Regions (DETR). Health was represented by the public health minister, Yvette Cooper. The strategy aims to end fuel poverty in vulnerable households by 2010. It brings together measures including controls on fuel prices and VAT, the winter fuel allowance and upgrading heating systems and insulation grants via the home energy efficiency schemes (HEES). Targets have been set for the whole of the UK. In cold winters it is estimated that between 20,000 and 50,000 excess winter deaths could be precipitated by the cold weather, depending on the severity. Many of these deaths will be due to coronary heart disease. Warm homes could prevent or delay the onset of avoidable CHD and add extra years to life, more years free of disability, improved quality of life and less hardship. The NHS could also benefit enormously from fewer winter admissions. The NHF particularly welcomes the focus on the poor who are already disproportionately affected by CHD. Measures to reduce fuel poverty and create warmer homes for the most vulnerable will be an important way of narrowing the health gap. A health pilot to demonstrate the public health dimensions of fuel poverty is planned. The DETR are inviting comments on the Fuel Poverty Strategy by the end of May. Details are available from the Fuel Poverty Unit at | ||||
Some initial standards are set for 2002 for people with coronary heart disease and those at increased risk. By 2005, routine heart surgery will be carried out within three months. Clot-busting treatment will be available after a heart attack within 20 minutes of arriving at a hospital. There will be a progressive implementation of the National Service Framework for CHD for Wales which will cover prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. In June, the National Assembly is due to publish a consultative document on the future of primary care and the development of local health groups. A fresh public health strategy, building on Better Health: Better Wales, is planned for 2002. This will include a review of the public health function by the CMO for Wales, Dr Ruth Hall. Health promotion initiatives in Wales will continue to develop, implement and monitor evidence-based programmes on the impact of smoking, diet and physical activity in the most disadvantaged communities. In December 2002, the National Assembly for Wales will produce a consultation document on measures that will require policy makers to take into account the impact of all new policies on children and young people. There will also be a review of health services for children. Full details are available at | ||||
A new taskforce has been established by the government to take forward aspects of the NHS Plan which relate to children. In partnership with other taskforces, its remit will include the development of a National Service Framework for childrens services, expansion of Sure Start, reform of the welfare foods scheme and roll out of the National School Fruit Scheme by 2004. The NHF will ensure that the recommendations and research review from its young@heart initiative will be fed into the thinking of the taskforce and development of the National Service Framework. | ||||
Targets to close the gap between rich and poor in infant mortality rates and life expectancy at birth were announced by Alan Milburn in February. The secretary of state for health set out the governments first published targets to reduce health inequalities at a conference of the Long Term Medical Conditions Alliance at the Royal College of Physicians in London. At the same time, he announced the second wave of pilots for the School Fruit Scheme. The first target is to reduce by at least 10% the gap in infant mortality between manual groups and the population as a whole by 2010. The government expects that this will bring infant deaths to below five per 1,000 live births by 2006 and will save 3,000 lives by 2010. The second target is to reduce the difference in life expectancy between areas with the lowest life expectancy and the national average. By 2010 there should be a reduction of at least 10% in the gap between health authorities in areas with the lowest life expectancy and the population as a whole. Further information is available from the government website at | |||
A toolkit to help health authorities implement the prevention standards of the National Service Framework for coronary heart disease has been published by the Health Development Agency. The document focuses on the standards in the Framework which address primary and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease, and sets out examples of evidence-based interventions for tackling the major modifiable risk factors. The guidance includes advice on developing smoking cessation services, interventions to promote healthy eating in schools, and active transport programmes to encourage physical activity. The National Service Framework requires that by April 2001, all health authorities should have in place programmes to tackle smoking, diet and physical activity. The NHF has played a key role in the development of the document by coordinating contributions from its member organisations and individual experts. Copies of CHD: Guidance for the implementation of the preventative aspects of the National Service Framework have been sent to all NHF members. It can be obtained by visiting the Health Development Agency website ( | ||||